Sunday, 13 September 2015

Which way should I go next?

Do you know what you want to do with your life? Loaded question, I know. It feels like we're supposed to pick a path as a teenager and then blindly follow it around every twist and turn until we've reached the promised goal line at the end. Nobody really tells you what to do when you get halfway down the road and decide you don't want to be going this way anymore. Have I stretched the metaphor far enough yet? Ok, good.

I'm only 25, and a lot of the time I have to remind myself that I've still got my whole life ahead of me. Other times, it seems to stretch out endlessly and I don't know if I'll ever get it in gear. I got plenty of well-meaning but not-always-incredibly-helpful advice from teachers and authorities up until I finished college, but then the world suddenly thinks it's done preparing you for life, and leaves you alone in the middle of the road. In the dark. With no directional signs, and no map. Suddenly, you have to find your way along by yourself and maybe, if you're lucky and stay on the same path, you'll reach the goal and all life's rewards.

I didn't stay on the path.

I've spent the last 3 years in what I've affectionately dubbed my "quarter-life crisis", where I floundered around without a significant relationship, a definite career path, or any idea of what I wanted from my life. At my current age, my parents were married and pregnant with me. Yes, I know; different generation, different expectations. I still feel very much like I'm two steps behind where I should be, struggling to catch up.

So I've made a decision; I'm going on a quest! To try and find my path; what I want out of life. And to go full throttle until I find my own goal.

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